Yabancılar için SGK sağlık sigortası

Yabancılar için SGK sağlık sigortası

Yabancılar için SGK sağlık sigortası

Foreign residents are eligible to apply for the SGK (Sosyal Guvenlik Kurumu) system if they have lived in Turkey for one year. The coverage entitles holders to free treatment in Government Devlet hospitals, reduced payment for prescriptions and sometimes, discount at private institutions, subject to their distraction.
Holders pay a monthly premium which is 614 lira, and this is the same for married and single people. This amount also increases every year. Upon approval, you will receive a card to show when accessing medical and health care.
Some countries have a reciprocal agreement with Turkey ensuring citizens are already covered if they have paid premiums in their home country. The list includes but is not limited to France and Germany. The UK does not have a reciprocal agreement. SGK also does not cover pre-existing or current conditions like cancer or diabetes.